The Mental Toughness of Para-Athletes
Mental toughness (“MT”) relates to how well we persevere and perform, especially under challenging circumstances. When I think of MT in relation to the yogic concept of tapas or self-discipline, one image that immediately comes to my mind is a Paralympian. These athletes overcome tremendous challenges to become champions. They do not consider failure to be an option. How do

The Power of Gratitude
Imagine the following scenario. It’s 5:45 am in the morning. The temperature outside is -7 degrees Celsius (20 degrees Fahrenheit). Because of lockdown, you face working from home in “loungewear” staring at your web cam on conference calls which fills you with dread. But for now, you are tucked up nice and warm in your bed. Then, slowly you open

How to Practice Non-Attachment in Your Relationships
“You only lose what you cling to.” – Buddha When it comes to relationships, what does it mean to be “clingy”? I suppose one clear sign is that your partner is asking for space. A few other signs: You text them constantly. You check your phone constantly to see if they have contacted you. You get nervous or angry when

6 Steps to Find Happiness in the Little Things
Escapism is an art. We enjoy a glass (or 4) of wine after work or binge watch Netflix. We fill our virtual shopping baskets with items we don’t need. We dream of far-off places in utopia to escape our daily reality. We try to fill that emptiness inside us with excess which may lead to self-destructive habits. Do we really